Providing Litigation Support for Counsel in Healthcare Litigation
We offer a basic retainer service for attorneys and law firms to place our industry professionals “on-call” to assist counsel in understanding medical practice and healthcare issues that may arise during their representation of physicians or healthcare industry clients.
Analysis of Medical Practice and Hospital Financial Information and Records
We provide assessments backed by decades of hands-on healthcare management and finance experience. Our consultants collectively have many decades of experience as executive level management at medical practices, clinical labs, hospitals, and nursing homes.
Industry Research and Data Analysis
This includes analyses of physician manpower supply-and-demand characteristics, medical practice metrics and financial benchmarks, revenue projections, and historical assessments of value and similar/best practices. As we routinely run these types of analyses for current clients, our methodologies reflect realistic estimates based on hands-on management experience, as opposed to conformed valuations or purely hypothetical analyses.
On-Site Inspection and Assesment of the Subject Practice
This can be a decisive method to combat a party opponents’ bloated assessment of market value in a medical practice, hospital, nursing home, or managed care organization. Very often, the conformed valuations offered by opposing counsel miss critical and individuating characteristics that can dramatically affect the value of a practice in the modern healthcare market. Having performed thousands of valuations and sales of hundreds of medical practices all across the United States, we are uniquely qualified to assess market value in realistic terms.
Valuations, Projections, Forecasts, Damage and Loss Analyses
Determining realistic figures for projected future earnings and forecasting losses is a complicated function in any industry. It requires a deep and circumspect knowledge of the value components of the entity, the market forces at play, and the relevant regulatory controls. The diverse background of our team of consultants allows us to pool decades of hands-on healthcare management experience to credibly assess defensible figures and projections.
Attendance at Despositions and Trials
We offer this service to assist litigators with real-time feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of an opponent’s arguments and experts, and/or the reliability of their metrics in the assessment of financial value/loss in healthcare industry disputes.
Expert Witness Testimony Regarding Our Valuations, Analyses, and Conclustions
Our executive-level team of healthcare industry consultants is uniquely qualified to perform defensible analyses and render expert opinions that are based on a wide range of hands-on management experiences spanning many thousands of contract assignments that have been executed in all fifty (50) states and several foreign countries. Our consultants have provided expert analyses for a wide range of matters including commercial litigation, arbitration, and divorce proceedings. Our full CVs are available upon request, and we are happy to discuss particular litigation challenges at any time.
Identify and Engage Expert Witness in Relevant Healthcare Fields
In support of counsel on pending or current litigation, our industry-expert consultants are uniquely qualified to render opinions and analyses on many sectors of the healthcare industry including its market characteristics, management, finance, and regulatory structures. Given our extensive backgrounds, we are also able to identify the most credible and effective background for expert witnesses in any given dispute. With our senior consultants nearing an average of forty (40) years of executive level service in the industry, our professional networks are well positioned to identify experts as needed, and obtain their timely cooperation and support.
Evaluation of Opposing Expert Witness Testimony
In support of counsel on pending or current litigation, our decades of multi-national healthcare management and finance experience can be used to professionally assess the relevance, accuracy, and/or credibility of opposing expert witnesses testimony. In performance of this service, we can analyze reports and transcripts, and/or be present for live testimony. Our feedback can then be provided in either note format solely for the benefit of potential cross examinations, or prepared as independent reports to contradict opposing experts or re-frame critical issues.